Distributed Publications

In addition to articles and special publications, Reviews in Colorado Archaeology distributes, through the ORCA website, monographs or edited volumes produced by university departments, federal or state agencies, cultural resource management firms, or other organizations. Distributed publications are expected to adopt RCA’s scholarly standards, but need not follow RCA editorial or formatting conventions. Authors or editors may also elect to submit distributed publications for blind peer review. RCA’s editor and editorial board reserve the right to request changes to a submitted manuscript prior to publication. Final publication decisions are made by RCA’s editor. Authors or agencies wishing to take advantage of this powerful, low-cost publishing venue should contact the editor early in their planning process.

Synthetic Cultural Resource Overview of the Bureau of Land Management’s Royal Gorge Field Office, Eastern Colorado (2017, Alpine Archaeological Consultants, Inc.)

The BLM hired Alpine to complete a Class I overview and synthesis of cultural resources within the administrative boundary of the Royal Gorge Field Office (RGFO), which encompasses the entire eastern half of Colorado. The overview presents a synthetic description of the prehistoric archaeology of the RGFO. This is accomplished through concise summaries of the salient data presented in the 1999 prehistoric contexts for the Arkansas and Platte river basins, with accompanying discussions of archaeological work conducted since the publication of the contexts. The discussions are organized by problem domains such as chronology, technology, settlement patterns, interregional relationships, and subsistence, focusing on data gaps and the implications of recently obtained archaeological data. The resulting synthesis refines the models of prehistoric occupation of the region as presented in the 1999 contexts. In addition to the prehistoric synthesis, the document includes a lengthy chapter describing historical cultural resources present on BLM-managed lands within the RGFO. The information in the historical chapter provides context for archaeologists and historians working in the RGFO and includes discussions of data gaps and suggestions for future research.