Reviews in Colorado Archaeology, Volume 1 (Article 3): 41-68

Review Article

Recent Developments in Gateway Phase Research

Rand A. Greubel (Alpine Archaeological Consultants, Inc.)


The Gateway tradition was defined by Alan D. Reed in 1997 to describe a class of prehistoric sites in west-central Colorado that had previously only been described in generic terms or as a local variant of well-known cultural traditions such as Ancestral Puebloan or Fremont. Reed and Michael D. Metcalf elaborated upon the new archaeological taxon in the prehistoric context for the Northern Colorado River basin, which was published in 1999. Several studies and research projects conducted since that time have resulted in new datasets that are relevant to many of the research questions and data gaps identified by Reed and Metcalf for the Gateway tradition. A consideration of these data has resulted in new insights into the lifeways of these people and a taxonomic reformulation of the Gateway tradition into the Gateway phase.

Keywords: Gateway tradition; Ancestral Puebloan; Anasazi; Fremont culture; Pueblo II period

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Suggested Citation (SAA Style):
Greubel, Rand A.
2018    Recent Developments in Gateway Phase Research. Reviews in Colorado Archaeology 1(Article 3):41-68., accessed August 25, 2018.