Resources for Anthropology Students

Graduate Programs and Internships

The Society for Historical Archaeology’s Students and Teachers site provides a wealth of information about field schools, graduate programs, and other information for college students interested in historical archaeology.

University of Colorado Anthropology Department

Colorado State University Anthropology Department

University of Colorado Master of Science in Historic Preservation

Binghamton University Master of Arts in Public Archaeology

Online Learning Resources for Students

The Pueblo Farming Project — a collaboration between the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office, and Montezuma School-to-Farm — provides standards-aligned lesson plans for middle school students, a documentary film, and an eBook that presents the results of the project. Students can learn about the origins of maize, its lifecycle, and its important role in Hopi communities through time. 

Texas Beyond History is a public education service of the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin and other organizations that interprets and shares the results of archeological and historical research on the cultural heritage of Texas.

People of the Mesa Verde Region, created by the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, takes visitors on a tour of the ancient Southwest.

AnthroNotes, the award winning publication of the Smithsonian’s Department of Anthropology, was published from 1979-2012 to present archaeological and anthropological research to educators and the public in an engaging and accessible style.