Non-Technical Overviews of Colorado Archaeology

The publications listed on this page were written for a broad audience. Some describe the results of specific projects, while others address regional themes. Many of them also describe the process of archaeological research and explain the value of historic preservation.

Sah-gwah-ghowhidz: The Green Basin tells the story of the Animas-La Plata project, located near Durango, Colorado and describes the remarkable archaeology unearthed during the project. Published by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in cooperation with the Ute Tribes of Colorado.

Exploring the Colorado Frontier: A Study in Historical Archaeology at the Tremont House Hotel, Lower Downtown Denver describes the history and archaeology of early Denver. Published by the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.

The Cass Archaeological Site and Northeastern Colorado Prehistory focuses on the hunter-gatherers who lived in South Platte River basin between A.D. 600 and 800. Published by the Colorado Department of Transportation.

Digging for Answers: Prehistoric Archaeology in Northwestern Colorado shares the results of archaeological investigations carried out in northwestern Colorado by two cultural resources management firms. Published by Alpine Archaeological Consultants, Inc.

Tracing the Past: Archaeology Along the Rocky Mountain Expansion Loop Pipeline is an example of how American archaeology is conducted, based on work along the 412-mile Rocky Mountain Expansion Loop pipeline, which runs through a variety of landscapes from northeastern Utah to northwestern New Mexico. Published by Alpine Archaeological Consultants, Inc.

High Plains Archeology ­­­describes the archaeology of the Nebraska Panhandle, from the sites occupied by big game hunters 12,000 years ago to the homesteads of nineteenth-century settlers. Published by the Nebraska State Historical Society.